Enneagram Star

EnneaTao ®
We Design and Develop
Future Digital Products
to Find the Strange and Real You

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True and False Self

We seem awake but are actually all asleep

Each of us is unique and possesses great potential. However, the behavioral pattern we developed in childhood to cope with threats, which reduces our sensitivity has become so ingrained that we are inevitably trapped in our early response patterns. This pattern once protected us from harm in earlier environments, but later became the source of our unconscious daily behavior.

In other words, we are all busy with life, at least constantly receiving various information, but we may not be truly living. While we exhaust ourselves with busyness, we also become depressed, feeling empty and dull inside. Perhaps we all know this, and it seems that is why we keep ourselves busy to distract from that feeling. We don't know how to truly resolve it.

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Standing on the Shoulders of Giants

Giving Infinite Hope to Everyone

In the early days of orthodox psychology, humans seemed to be as Freud described: inherently selfish, greedy, and aggressive; or as Watson suggested: forever unable to escape their environment. Against this backdrop, people were filled with doubt about such a world where human nature was inherently evil, and psychology began to seek new directions and answers.

Among them, humanistic psychologists like Carl Rogers and Abraham Maslow began to explore individual self-actualization and potential. The latter told us that throughout human history, human nature has been underestimated — humans not only have deficiency needs such as food and shelter but also growth needs, including progress and the pursuit of hope for self-actualization.

History of Modern Psychology

Through self-awareness, we can wake up

EnneaTao® is a project developed based on the Enneagram, a theoretical concept traceable to ancient philosophers and mystics, which categorizes us according to personality types (false self).

The modern Enneagram theory divides personalities into nine basic types, each with its unique thinking patterns, emotions, strengths and weaknesses, growth opportunities, and core motivations. The Enneagram emphasizes the interrelationships and dynamic changes between personality types, believing that individuals can develop and transform between different types. Compared to other personality trait theories and models, the Enneagram is a transformative model that focuses more on an individual's inner motivations and emotional needs, thus having stronger application value in personal growth, mental health, and interpersonal relationships.

The Enneagram, as a tool for dealing with personality structures and personal development in various environments including businesses, government agencies, education, and service sectors[1], is rapidly expanding. Many training programs use this system to help promote mental health, interpersonal communication efficiency, etc.[2] Although it is widely applied in adult self-development, some have pointed out the lack of rigorous scientific research on the application of this system[3]. Subsequent research results[4] indicate that Enneagram reinforcement training can be beneficial in promoting psychological growth and self-development, and discuss clinical applications and future research directions.

[1]: Bland, A. M.(2010) The Enneagram: A Review of the Empirical and Transformational Literature.

[2]: Daniels, D.(2012) The Narrative Tradition of the Enneagram.

[3]: Fitzsimons & Killen J.(2013) How Science Can Help to Solve the Enneagram's Credibility Problem.

[4]: Daniels, D. Saracino T. Fraley M. Christian J. & Pardo S.(2018) Advancing Ego Development in Adulthood Through Study of the Enneagram System of Personality.

UnconsciousFalse selfProtective shellUnconsciousFalse selfProtective shellUnconsciousFalse selfProtective shellUnconsciousFalse selfProtective shell
TranscendenceSelf-actualizationMeaning of existenceTranscendenceSelf-actualizationMeaning of existenceTranscendenceSelf-actualizationMeaning of existenceTranscendenceSelf-actualizationMeaning of existence
Among many self-growth products

What makes EnneaTao® different

In fact, our focus is on you.

What sets us apart is our deep understanding of humanistic care and self-awareness (our displeasure with the entertainment of such products), and a deep understanding that no two people are exactly alike - and that the content we provide should be as unique as you are.

[1]: EnneaTao is based on the work of Oscar Lchazo and Claudio Naranjo and draws on the work of Don Riso, Helen Palmer, Russ Hudson, and Jerome Wagner, among others.

[2]: The core technology stack is Nginx, Serverless, MySQL 8, Redis 7, PHP 8, Webman, SvelteKit, TypeScript and more.

EnneaTao is committed to building a
little warmth that users love

A thousand readers see a thousand Hamlets, we keep listening and accept criticism. But respect should be mutual, and we are more than eager to provide all the help possible to users who are willing to respect the fruits of our labor.

The content of the website is very detailed and professional, the web design is comfortable and beautiful, great job, the author should continue to work hard! I hope that through your efforts your project will be more and more accurate, more and more humanistic meaning and help.


Paid User

Go for it, it's really superb, the best version of the experience I've come across so far. The website design is very atmospheric and nice looking, and it's very comfortable to do the questions!



I'm grateful to the author for creating such a platform! I've always been interested in personality theory, and I wish the content on flanking could have been in more detail. I felt that the type 5 analysis alone was not right, and then when I saw the flankers, I was sure that I was a 5w4, so I hope that I can include, for example, the analysis of [specialized 5w4].



Although I seem to have a lot of opinions in the one above, I actually kinda like your project. The layout is very nice, and the directory bar next to the results of the tests that you can click on to get to where you need to be is great. Anyway, keep up the good work! I'll be checking in often and wish you guys the best!


Paid User

Way to go! I really like your UI style, and you've done a great job with this part of Personality Type 9, so I hope it continues, I'll be keeping an eye on it! (And I'm sorry for the refund on version 1 because I felt it was so out of line with my self-perception, but I've since unlocked version 2 and still think it's great!)


Paid User

The interface of the website is done in a very well-designed way and flows quite well, and it's really hard to work on the project alone. Unlocking the analytics is both of interest and support to the author, thanks to the author for providing the platform.


Paid User

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EnneaTao ®
For those who bravely venture into the depths of their inner landscapes
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