Type Three

We call Type Three the Achiever because when they are healthy, Threes really can and do achieve great things in the world. They are the "stars" of human nature, and people often look up to them because of their graciousness and personal accomplishments. Healthy Threes know how to present themselves and develop themselves in ways that others find attractive. They know how to perform in whatever field they have chosen and can provide a good role model for others.

What are they like?

They are typical pragmatists with a strong sense of competition, tending to view the world as a race in which they demand excellent performance from themselves. They believe that a person's value is measured by their achievements and corresponding social status. Therefore, they value efficiency, pursue success, and are very good at expressing their ideas. Their example also has an inspiring effect on those around them, generating energy to accomplish great things. Moreover, they always focus on goals and absolutely refuse to do anything meaningless; everything must be guided by clear objectives.

Personality Development Levels

All types have strengths and weaknesses: Some parts of your personality work well, while others may hinder you from achieving your ambitions and goals. The extent to which this affects you is not fixed, these changes in your strengths and weaknesses are called development, and are divided into three stages: healthy, average, and unhealthy. Ideally, the goal is to develop yourself into the healthy category and pay attention to the signs that you are slipping into the unhealthy category. Once you have identified these, you can improve your strengths and learn to make up for your weaknesses, thereby making you a more fulfilling and successful self.


Translated from EnneagramandMarriage

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