We have named personality type Seven The Enthusiast because they are enthusiastic about almost everything that catches their attention. Sevens approach life with curiosity, optimism, and a sense of adventure. Type Seven represents the archetype of people who seek happiness and pleasure in various forms to distract themselves from the discomfort, darkness, and negative aspects of life.
They are pleasure-seeking optimists, naturally upbeat, who love to pursue new and exciting experiences. They often maintain a carefree and optimistic attitude towards life's difficulties. They are always easygoing, energetic, and their words and actions exude humor, sometimes giving the impression of being "carefree". They remind us of the pure joy of existence—which is the greatest gift.
All types have strengths and weaknesses: Some parts of your personality work well, while others may hinder you from achieving your ambitions and goals. The extent to which this affects you is not fixed, these changes in your strengths and weaknesses are called development, and are divided into three stages: healthy, average, and unhealthy. Ideally, the goal is to develop yourself into the healthy category and pay attention to the signs that you are slipping into the unhealthy category. Once you have identified these, you can improve your strengths and learn to make up for your weaknesses, thereby making you a more fulfilling and successful self.
Translated from EnneagramandMarriage
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